Thórunn Valdimarsdóttir
Bárugötu 5, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland, Europe
phones + 354 552 7836 / + 354 699 1271 /
c v
Born 250854 Reykjavík, studied history at the University in Lund Sweden 1973-74 and art and history in Instituto Allende in San Miguel de Allende Guanajuato Mexico 1977-78. Cand. mag. in history University of Iceland 1983. Has since been engaged in writing. Author of 26 miscellaneous books: four books of poetry, seven novels. History of Reykjavík (1870-1950); theater history (1900-1950); church history (19th century); historical biography (18th-19th century) and biography.
14 nominations and 7 awards for writing
Nominated to the Icelandic literature prize for SNORRI FROM HÚSAFELL – AN 18th CENTURY SAGA. (Historical biography.) Almenna bókafélagið 1989. / Paperback: Mál og menning 1992.
Nominated to the DV cultural prize ALVEG NÓG. (Quite enough. A novel) Forlagið 1997.
Nominated to the DV cultural prize STÚLKA MEÐ FINGUR. (Girl with a finger. A novel) Forlagið 1999.
Nominated to the Icelandic literature prize KRISTNI Á ÍSLANDI. (Christianity in Iceland) One of 5 main authors in this 4 volume edition. History. Alþingi 2000.
Nominated for the Nordic literature prize 2000 for the nistorical novel: Published in Swedish: FLICKA MED FINGER. PublishAmerica 2004.
Nominated to the Icelandic Literature Prize UPP Á SIGURHÆÐIR. SAGA MATTHÍASAR JOCHUMSSONAR. (Historical biography.) JPV publisher 2006.
Nominated to the Hagthenkir (Scientific Writer’s Union) prize UPP Á SIGURHÆÐIR. SAGA MATTHÍASAR JOCHUMSSONAR. (Historical biography.) JPV publisher 2006.
Nominated to the Icelandic Literature Prize KALT ER ANNARS BLÓÐ. / OTHERS BLOOD IS COLD. (A contemporary crime novel based on Njáls saga) JPV 2007.
Nominated one of five best titles of the year LOFNET KLÓRA HIMIN. / ANTENNAS SCRATCH SKY. JPV publisher 2008. (Poetry).
Nominated to the Icelandic Literature Prize MÖRG ERU LJÓNSINS EYRU./THE LION HAS MANY EARS. (contemporary crime novel based on Laxdæla saga) JPV 2011.
Nominated to the DV cultural prize GIRL WITH A BELLY. (novel) JPV 2013.
Nominated to the Fjöru prize GIRL WITH A BELLY. (novel) JPV 2013.
Nominated to the Red Ravens feather:
Nominated to the Icelandic Literature Prize:
- First prize in Bjart’s and Mrs. Emelía’a competition of micro short stories:
Örsögur í BJARTI OG FRÚ EMELÍU 1, 1992.
- DV cultural prize for the historical novel: STÚLKA MEÐ FINGUR. (Girl with a finger.) Forlagið 1999.
- Bibliographer Union’s Prize: UPP Á SIGURHÆÐIR. SAGA MATTHÍASAR JOCHUMSSONAR. (Historical biography.) JPV publisher 2006.
- Icelandic Radio prize for literature 2008
- Red Ravens Feather (best erotic text). Dagur Kvennanna. Ástarsaga / Womens Day. A Love Story. Co-written with Megas. Uppheimar 2010.
- Best title GIRL WITH A BELLY. (novel) JPV 2013.
- Fjöru prize (= Orange prize) GIRL WITH A BELLY. (novel) JPV 2013.
JÚLÍA. Forlagið 1992.
ALVEG NÓG. / ENOUGH. Forlagið 1997. Nominated for the DV cultural prize.
STÚLKA MEÐ FINGUR. / GIRL WITH A FINGER. An historical novel. Forlagið 1999. Received the DV Cultural Prize. Nominataed to the Nordic Literature Prize.
KALT ER ANNARS BLÓÐ. / OTHERS BLOOD IS COLD. JPV-publisher, 2007. Nominated to the Icelandic litterature prize.
Dagur Kvennanna. Ástarsaga / Womens Day. A Love Story. Novella, co-written with Megas. Uppheimar 2010.
STÚLKA MEÐ MAGA / GIRL WITH A BELLY. Fiction/biography JPV 2013.
STÚLKA MEÐ HÖFUÐ / GIRL WITH A HEAD. Fiction/autobiography. JPV-útgáfa 2015. Hardcover and pocket book.
FUGLAR. / BIRDS. Forlagið 1991.
LOFTET KLÓRA HIMIN. Forlagið 2008.
ANTENNAS SCRATCH SKY. Lifandi saga 2010.
Short stories in anthologies & magazines:
- Saga 1. – Saga 2. Bjartur og frú Emilía, 1992. Fékk fyrstu verðlaun í örverkasamkeppni Bjarts og Emelíu.
- Orðabók, með öðrum. Bjartur og frú Emilía. 1994.
- Póstkort, með öðrum. Bjartur og frú Emilía. 1994.
- Lærisveinn, með öðrum. Bjartur og frú Emilía. 1996.
- Nöfn, með öðrum. Bjartur og frú Emilía. 1998.
- Mjólk. Veftímaritið Decode, 1. 1. 1996.
- Co-written with Megas: Stúlka í turni. Tímarit Máls og menningar. 54. 4. 1993.
- Tröllasaga. Tímarit Máls og menningar. 54. 2. 1993.
- „Leyniþjónusta hrafnanna og hænurnar þrjár.“ Heil brú. Sögur úr norrænni goðafræði. Mál og menning, 2006.
Poetry in magazines:
Bjartur og frú Emilía. 12. 3. 1993.
Tímarit Máls og menningar. 1985, 1989, 1998, 2011.
Andvari. 114. Nýr flokkur. xxxi.
Apokalipsa. 10. 136-138, MMX 2010. Ljubljana Slovenia.
Poetry in anthologies:
Nýmæli. Ljóð ungskálda. Iðunn 1987.
Ljóðaárbók 1988. Almenna bókafélagið l988.
Vörður. Ljóðasafn RSÍ, 1993.
Lífið sjálft. Happdrætti SÍBS, 1996.
Gullregn úr ástarljóðum íslenskra kvenna. Mál og menning & Forlagið, 1996.
Perlur úr ljóðum íslenskra kvenna. Harpa 1998.
Konan. Maddama, kerling, fröken, frú. Poetry and sculptures Sigurjón Ólafssons Art Gallery 23. maí – 30. júní. Reykjavík Art Festival. Listasafn Sigurjóns Ólafssonar, 2002.
The International Festival Days and nights of Literature. Literature Marginalized? Institutul Cultual Român, 2010.
Translations, poetry in magazines:
- Anna T. Szabo: “Hún yfirgefur mig.” (Poem.) Jón á Bægisá. Tímarit um þýðingar. 13. 2009.
- Mirela Sula: “Ég sveik ekki þorpið mitt.” (Poem.) Jón á Bægisá. Tímarit um þýðingar. 13. 2009.
- Suzana Tratnik: “Þrjár örsögur” (Microstories) Jón á Bægisá. Tímarit um þýðingar. 13. 2009.
- Monica Pavani: „Úr ljóðinu samviska Camille“ (poem) sjá: „Steinaldarmaður í Alpafjöllum.“ Stína 5. 1, ágúst 2010.
- Ioana Ieronim: „Orð“ og „Til vina minna“ (poems) sjá: „Steinaldarmaður í Alpafjöllum.“ Stína 5. 1, ágúst 2010.
historical books:
SVEITIN VIÐ SUNDIN. SAGA BÚSKAPAR Í REYKJAVÍK 1870-1950. / A History of Reykjavík Farmlife 1870-1950. Sögufélag 1986.
SNORRI FROM HÚSAFELL. AN 18th CENTRURY SAGA, historical biography. Almenna bókafélagið 1989. Paperback: Mál og menning 1992. Nominated to the Icelandic litterature prize in 1989.
ALDARSAGA. Leikfélag Reykjavíkur 1897-1997. Fyrri hluti, 1897-1950. / A CENTENARY SAGA. The History of Reykjavík’s Theatre. Mál og menning 1997.
KRISTNISAGA 1830-1910 / History of Christianity in Iceland. Half a book (19th. century) in a four-books-sequence honoring the 1000 years anniversary of christianity in Iceland. Icelandic Parliament 2000. The sequence was nominated to the Icelandic litterature prize 2000.
HORFINN HEIMUR. LOST WORLD. THE YEAR 1900 IN A CLOSE-UP. A micro-historical study of one year as depicted in the seven current Icelandic newspapers. Sögufélag og Mál og mynd 2002.
UPP Á SIGURHÆÐIR. SAGA MATTHÍASAR JOCHUMSSONAR. / Biography of 19th century poet Jochumsson. JPV publisher, 2006. Nominated to the Icelandic litterature prize and the Hagthenkir prize. Received the Bibliographers prize.
SKÚLI FÓGETI. SAGA FRÁ ÁTJÁNDU ÖLD. Historical biography. JPV útgáfa 2018. Nominated to the Icelandic Literature Prize.
for television:
Wrote the script and co-ordinated the program ALDAMÓTABÆRINN REYKJAVÍK / REYKJAVÍK AROUND THE TURN OF THE CENTURY. Icelandic television 1986.
Wrote the script for the docu-drama: EIGI VÍKJA, JÓN SIGURÐSSON – ÆVI HANS OG STARF / LIFE AND WORK OF J. S. THE LEADER OF 19th CENTURY NATIONALISTIC RESISTANCE IN ICELAND. Icelandic television / Saga film 1994.
Co-wrote with Lárus Ýmir Óskarson a script for a movie and a six-program-TV-series: HALLA OG EYVINDUR / HISTORICAL DRAMA ON THE OUTLAWS H & E. This project has not been realized yet.
RÖBB / CONFABULATIONS in Lesbók Morgunblaðsins (a weekly cultural supplement of the most read icelandic newspaper) on and off for several years around 1995.
Poet of the Month in Dagsljós (a cultural radioprogram) in February 1995 – Weekly confabulations.
Four confabulations about the Foroe-islands in Víðsjá (a cultural radioprogram) in September 2001.
for radio:
- ÚR MENNINGARSÖGUNNI. / FROM THE REALM OF CULTURAL HISTORY. A series of 12 programmes, broadcast 1989-1990.
- ÚTILEGUMANNASÖGUR. / SAGAS OF OUTLAWS. A series of 12 programmes, broadcast 1992.
- HORFINN HEIMUR: ALDAMÓTIN 1900. / A LOST WORLD: THE YEAR 1900 – A micro-historical approach. A series of 12 programmes, broadcast 1998 & 1999.
interviews in magazines:
- “Gen kvenna þurfa að jafna sig.” / “Women’s genes need to recover.” Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir interviews Thórunn Valdimarsdóttur. Vera. 8. 6. 1989.
- “Rætt við Megas og Thórunni Valdimarsdóttur.” Halldóra Thoroddsen’s interview with Megas and Thórunn. Bjartur og frú Emelía. 4. 3. 1991.
- “Viðtal við Thórunni Valdimarsdóttur sagnfræðing.” Sigfús Bjartmarsson interviewing Th. V. Teningur ( 7.) 10. 1991.
essays and articles in magazines and collections:
- “Þjóðernishyggja Gísla Brynjólfssonar.” On the nationalism of a 19th century cultural figure. Sagnir 3. 1982.
- “Félagið Ingólfur árin 1934-1942.” On the history of an historical assosiation. Landnám Ingólfs. Nýtt safn til sögu þess. 1. 1983.
- “Mjólkursaga á mölinni.” An article concerning milk in the early days of the city of Reykjavík. Landnám Ingólfs. Nýtt safn til sögu þess. 2. 1985.
- “Dyggðaspegill.” An essay concerning a 17th century translation of a German religious tract on desirable and suitlable female virtues. Sagnir 7. 1986.
- “Ævisagnaritun: Ein aðferð til að vekja upp fortíðina.” An article on methodology in biography writing. Sagnir 9. 1988.
- “Fortíðin í húsum.” On architecture in Reykjavík. Arkitektúr og skipulag. 10. 4. 1989.
- “Hugleiðingar um aðferðafræði, sprottnar af ritun ævisögu Snorra á Húsafelli.” An essay on methodology in historical biography writing. Tímarit Máls og menningar. 4. 1989.
- “Um gagnkvæma ást manna og meyjar – Fjallkonunnar.” An essay on the Mountain-Lady, a symbol for 19th century nationalism in Iceland. Written in honour of the Icelandic president V. F. Yrkja. Afmælisrit til Vigdísar Finnbogadóttur 15. apríl 1990. Iðunn 1990.
- “New Possibilities with Deepened Historical Research.” 17th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS of HISTORICAL SCIENCES II, Chronological Section. Methodology: The historical biography. Madrid 1990.
- SAGA JÓLANNA / THE STORY OF CHRISTMAS. Along with other authors. Forlagið 1993.
- “Af höfðingjanum Quetzalcoatli og Birni Breiðvíkingakappa.” “Of the Mexican Culture Hero Quetzalcoatl and his Contemporary Björn the Champion from Breiduvík.” Lesbók Morgunblaðsins, – autumn 1998.
- “Women´s historical claim.” A speech given at a meeting in Viðey where icelandic women founded an association demanding retribution for the illegal confiscation of the properties of the nunneries in Iceland in the year 1550. Vera, 4, 1999.
- “Fornu dyggðirnar sjö.” The seven ancient virtues. Tímarit Máls og menningar. 2. 2000.
- “Sorrý, þetta er satt.” MEGAS. Mál og menning, og Nýlistasafnið 2001.
- “Var Björn Breiðvíkingakappi the Bearded Chieftain Quetzalcoatl who Came from the East?” Kvennaslóðir. Rit til heiðurs Sigríði Th. Erlendsdóttur sagnfræðingi. Kvennasögusafn Íslands, 2001.
- “Líffræðilegur máttur sannfæringarinnar.” The Biological Power of Conviction. Fréttabréf H.Í. apríl 2002.
- “Man and womb-man. On the language of both sexes.” Lesbók Morgunblaðsins, - 19. mars 2005.
- „Þjóðsöngur Íslendinga. Ósönghæft „geimferðalegt lofdýrðarkvæði“?“ The Icelandic National Hymn. An unsingable „astronautic rhyme of praise“? Þriðja íslenska söguþingið 18.-21. maí 2006. Ráðstefnurit.
- “Matthias Jochumsson – National Poet and Unitarian Protégé.“ Transactions of the Unitarian Historical Society 24, 1. April 2007.
- “From Scab to Freedom?” Heimtur. Essays honoring Gunnar Karlsson seventy years old. Mál og menning, 2009.
- “On Cinderella.” Tímarit Máls og menningar. 74. 2. 2010.
- „Andreas Nyblom, Ryktbarhetens ansikte. Verner von Heidenstam, medierna och personkulten í sekelskiftets Sverige (Stockholm: Atlantis 2008).“ Saga. Tímarit Sögufélags XLVIII:2 2010.
- „Hver/hvað … var/er Jón Sigurðsson?“ Saga. Tímarit Sögufélags XLIX:1 2011.
- „Skúli fógeti gat Reykjavík með Friðriki fimmta.“ Skírnir. 187. ár. Vor 2013.
- „Af landamærahéruðum Clíó og bókmenntagyðjanna.“ Tímarit Máls og menningar 74. 2. 2013.
University of Iceland, Icelandic Scientific Society; Icelandic Historical Society, Association of Scholars of Icelandic Culture; Icelandic Writers Union; Reykjavík City Theatre; American Cultural Centre; Gallery of Modern Art; the Sigurjón Ólafsson’s Museum; Skálholt’s School; Eyrarbakka Museum; Sigurhæðir Museum; Seljachurch; Grafarvogschurch; Snorri Sturluson’s Institute Reykholt; Nýp Cultural Center Skagaströnd; Reykjavik Art Museum; Iceland’s University of Fine Arts; a congress on women´s authority in Bifröst University; Arna Magnean Institure; the International Congress of Historical Sciences Madrid 1990. International Poetry Festival in Romania 2010. Sylvia Kekkonen Symposium Finland 2010.
International Storytelling festivals:
Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada 1990.
Ljungby Sweden 1995.
Panels and Seminars:
Scaninavian panel Word in the North sponsored by the Nordic counsel Copenhagen and Malmö Sweden 2000.
Nordic seminar on the art of storytelling, sponsored by the Danish Writers Union in Hald Hovedgaard Jylland 2001.
Litery seminars in Biskops-Arnö Sweden 2007 and 2008.
International literary events:
Was a guest at the Storytelling-festivals in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada in 1990, in Ljungby Sweden 1995, and Hald Hovedgaard Danemark 2001. / Guest of the International Literary Festival in Reykjavík 2005 og 2015. /
Only writer preforming at Words in Tones and Music Visby dome Gotland 2006. / Took part in the Waves of the Black Sea – A Meeting between three Seas in november 1994, along with some 400 writers, translators and journalists from 30 countries, who went aboard the Greek ship “Mt World Renaissance” for the project Word Renaissance, a 9 day litterary journey in the Black Sea and the Aegean ocean, going ashore in Greece, Ukraina, Rumenia, Bulgaria and Turky. A member of the Delphi declaration. / Public readings at the Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators Gotland 1999, 2008. / Stockholm’s Culture house 2000, in connection with a nomination to the Nordic literary prize. A reading. / Cultural festival dedicated to ex-president & UN-ambassadeur of languages Vigdís Finnbogadóttir’s Institute at the Royal library in Stockholm 2004. A reading. / Guest of international poetry festival of the young poet society Nýhil 2005 and 2007. Host 2009. / Readings in the Bishops Cellar Biskops-Arnö Sweden 2007 and 2008. / Guest of The International Festival Days and nights of Literature, in Neptun/Mangalia, Rumenia, 2010. A lecture read at a Colloquium in Mangalia and a poetry reading in Neptun. / Reading at the International Poetry Festival in Visby Gotland 2010. / Guest of Silvia Kekkonen’s Symposium in Finland 2010.
all star biography 2011:
5 stars ***** Jón Knútur Ásumdsson á Eyjunni.
4 ½ star ****+ Steingrímur Sævarr Ólafsson,
4 stars **** Kjartan Guðmundsson Fréttablaðið.
4 stars **** Páll Baldvin Baldvinsson Fréttatíminn.
4 stars **** Sigurður Bogi Sævarsson Morgunblaðið.
4 stars **** Þorgeir Tryggvason Rás 2.
4 stars **** Reynir Traustason DV.
UPP Á SIGURHÆÐIR. SAGA MATTHÍASAR JOCHUMSSONAR. (Historical biography.) JPV publisher 2006.
* * * * * and lots of 4 stars …
- Dagsljós: Three stars. Þröstur Helgason.
- Dagblaðið: “Thórunn’s book is excellent.” Sigríður Albertsdóttir.
- Morgunblaðið: “This novel is in almost every aspect a great success.” Einar Falur.
World Literature Today summer 1995: “Headbeasts is a remarkable, unusual and somewhat provocative book. With extraordinary eloquence the author tests the boundaries of morality and challenges our views on love and sex, as she explores the relationship between author and reader and comments on the role of literary art in society.” Kirsten Wolf.
ALVEG NÓG. / QUITE ENOUGH. A novel. Forlagið 1997.
- Dagblaðið: “Thórunn’s best book so far … every word is perfectly placed. En eerie sence of danger accumulates and hits the reader right in the heart. The author carries the themes of the book across by creating a magnificent and powerful main characther, and writes a beautiful, elaborate and lyric style.” Sigríður Albertsdóttir.
- Morgunblaðið: “The author uses a clear and economic style and never loses the pace the whole book through. The structure of the story is beautiful and well designed and the narrative powerful in it’s simplicity, marked by cunning wit. It is the hallmark of a good story when the reader senses pain and joy as strongly as here, especially when the general feel of the book is so quiet.” Jóhanna Kristjónsdóttir.
- verðlaunanefnd DV: “An exciting and dramatic novel… a strong sence of compassion marks the narrative, that is tragic and boiling with contentment at the same time. Guilt, innosence, high hopes and dispair – are intvervoven with such insight that it makes for a convincing and cathcing story of a contemporary woman trying to find fulfillment.”
- Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson, Icelandic ambassador in the US, an extract from a letter to the author: “The novel is a delicacy – a delicate web made of interesting substance … The humour is innovative and the style highly original. You have become a first class novelist. Thank you!”
- Tímarit Máls og Menningar: “Quite Enough is an exceptionally well written book. The story is woven from the very emotional substance that makes us human. The charater of Godrún is very well sketched, she has all the flesh and blood we don´t find too often in novels.” Súsanna Svavarsdóttir.
- World Literature Today, summer 1998: “Openness, honesty and human insight characterize the tale of Godrún’s relationships and the loss of her child. Yet it is Thórunn Valdimarsdóttir’s mastery of suspense techniques that makes Quite Enough hold the reader’s enthusiastic attention until the final page.” Kirsten Wolf.
SNORRI Á HÚSAFELLI. SAGA FRÁ 18. ÖLD. / SNORRI FROM HÚSAFELL. AN 18TH. CENTRURY SAGA. Historical biography. Almenna bókafélagið 1989. Paperback: Mál og menning 1992.
- Saga. Tímarit Sögufélags, 1990: “With her book on Snorri Thórunn Valdimarsdóttir has enriched icelandic history with an original and highly entertaining piece…. Thórunn has written a book that differs markedly from all previous icelandic historical biography – making an elaborate historical research an highly entertaining reading. I am convinced that Snorri from Húsafell will be one of the history books that posterity will cherish.” Loftur Guttormsson.
- L’Atelier du Roman, 1992: “Dans son livre, Thórunn Valdimarsdóttir réussit un pari difficile. Elle utilise son talent et sa formation d’historienne pour retracer la vie de Snorri de Húsafell (à travers des histoires sur lui, des documents, ses écrits, etc.) mais en même temps elle viole toutes les règles de l’ècriture historique: ells se glisse dans la peau des gens de l’époque, elle écrit des dialogues, des pensées, des descriptions tout à fait librement, et c’ést une réussite. Une réussite du point de vue esthetique et du
point de vue commercial, car le livre connaît un grand succès ici.” Friðrik Rafnsson.
ALDARSAGA. Leikfélag Reykjavíkur 1897-1997. Fyrri hluti, 1897-1950. / A CENTENARY SAGA. The story of Reykjavík’s Theatre. Mál og menning 1997.
- Dagblaðið: “… Þórunn has the vision that characterizes the work of excellent historians.” Ármann Jakobsson.
THE LION HAS MANY EARS. JPV-publisher 2010.
Four stars out of five.
“ This original blend of centuries-old literary language and modern informal speech … exerts a magic that draws the reader into the story with no chance of escape. While the text is richly spiced with proverbs and quirky quotes from the Sagas of Icelanders, it is also chock full of strikingly lovely sentences and erotic undertones, philosophical wanderings and tiny details. Someone’s comment, that the text flirted with its reader, is not unjustified. And this flirting is a wild success. When the book stops, ending the whirlpool of words which has entranced you as you read it, the feeling is almost one of loss.
… Neither Icelandic sagas nor Shakespearean dramas are classed as crime fiction, despite plenty of murder and betrayal. The Lion Has Many Ears resembles these works more closely than today’s formula-faithful crime writing. This is primarily a novel of love and death, painted on a broad canvas, like all good stories and several cuts above formulaic works on the literary ladder.
Conclusion: A highly successful contemporary version of the classic Laxdæla saga, to which it is more closely related than to today’s typical crime fiction.” Frettabladid Newspaper.